Letting Go of What We Planned to Have the Life That is Waiting for Us

This past Saturday, my family all had their own plans, so I had high hopes of accomplishing some personal goals that have been put on the back burner.  I was really looking forward to this "me" time.

As I was pouring my coffee saturday morning in hopes to enjoy it outside, I saw a baby squirrel fall into my pool. He then frantically swam across the water, crawled his way out, scurried across the patio and curled up into a shivering ball by my back door.  I was hoping it would warm up and run away back to his mom, but he never did. He apparently was too sick to do anything. 

I could not focus on my planned day in good conscience if this squirrel were to die in my backyard.

To make a long story short, after 2 1/2 hours I was finally able to rescue this squirrel, and take it to the Texas Humane Society.  They put him in an incubator, gave him some antibiotics, and told me he will be just fine in a few weeks.   

I was feeling bad that this baby will never be reunited with his mom,  but the woman at the Humane Society said that squirrels do not have strong family bonds, and that this little baby will be just fine without mom.  She said he is still learning how to be a squirrel, and soon he will be strong enough to live on his own back outside again with other squirrel friends.

That morning when I told my sisters and mom this story, I jokingly told them that I had other plans that morning, but instead became preoccupied with a sick squirrel in my backyard. Life always seems to be one big unplanned event after the other filled with twists and turns. My sister then texted me one of her favorite quotes.

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

Joseph Campbell

What a profound statement. If you really think about what this is saying, it has the possibility of being life changing. We can plan our life, but just because we plan does not mean we are in control of what lies ahead.  The only thing we have control over is our own effort and attitude as well as what is happening in the moment.  

Letting go of what we planned can involve releasing rigid expectations about the future, and allowing for flexibility and maybe even unforeseen opportunity.  Who knows, there might be new possibilities and opportunities that may not align with our initial plans that can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.  

Being open to letting go of what we planned in order to see what might be waiting for us is not easy to do, but I think well worth something for which to strive.  xoxoxo

Just Keep Moving!
Movement is Medicine!

Cynthia Portugal