Dean Edwards

“Cynthia is an outstanding, highly qualified and dedicated personal trainer who really cares about her clients. My goals are to improve and maintain upper body strength and overall flexibility needed for general health and long distance bicycle riding. PT session with Cynthia have paid off. She is very well prepared and comes to each session with a plan tailored to my program. Cynthia has a positive contagious attitude, is motivating, builds confidence, and knows how to challenge you.”


Carla, club stay strong class member and personal training client

I first met Cynthia Portugal through a neighbor who advised me that she was teaching cardio and stretching classes at my neighborhood recreation center and that the classes were geared to helping older people like me, who want to participate in some sort of fitness class but who are also challenged with joint, injury and/or other medical issues. Cynthia and I talked over the phone and she invited me to observe and “join in” during her classes to see if one could be a fit for me. I love that Cynthia gives you a chance to participate even before making a commitment!

I enrolled in one of Cynthia’s low impact cardio and stretching class and have really enjoyed the class and the camaraderie of all the folks taking it with me! It’s definitely a great workout, and believe me, Cynthia never ever cuts her classes short! You never feel rushed and Cynthia constantly reminds you to listen to your body and workout to the level your body lets you. Cynthia can modify or adjust any of the exercises to accommodate your individual needs so that you can keep participating with others but at a level that fits your particular needs at the time. No instructor, before I met Cynthia, has ever helped me like that before! I used to just stop exercising altogether if my knee or shoulder started hurting and then of course, it would be hard for me to get started again.

I highly recommend participating in one of Cynthia’s exercise classes – whether in person or more conveniently through her live online Zoom classes! She records these classes in case you miss one so you can take the class at another time when it’s more convenient. And Cynthia also offers an assortment of training videos for such things as warm ups, chair stretches, core and back strengthening on the mat or while standing, or even in the chair…plus more. This allows you to focus on movement that’s important to you whenever you want. You don’t have to wait for her next Zoom class!

I have also really gotten to know Cynthia through my private training sessions at my home. I love having one-on-one time with Cynthia who always comes with a complete lesson plan for our session. What’s great is that Cynthia makes immediate adjustments real-time based on what’s happening with my shoulder, knee or even my vertigo issues that day! Not only is Cynthia so knowledgeable about exercise and movement and how the body responds , but you can see and feel her passion for fitness all the time! She is so supportive and will inspire you to keep going - no matter what age you are or what level of fitness or performance you can muster!
I can only say this - Call Cynthia and just get started! She will be your guide. And you will be so proud of what you’ll be able to accomplish on your own personal fitness journey!
— Carla Vigilante
Cynthia, I want to thank you for providing personal training for me for the last two plus years. What I appreciate especially is how you consistently tailor our sessions for me, upping the challenges and varying the workouts so a whole range of muscle groups get worked. I am never bored, always challenged and feel taken care of. I have dealt with a sprained ankle and various strains during these many weeks and you always modify the workout so I can keep up my practice. Besides all this, I enjoy our time together with your good sense of humor and encouragement. I am going to be celebrating my 80th birthday next March and like that you are much younger than me so we can keep this up for a long time!
— Pam Kaye

Jackie, personal training

If you are looking for a personal trainer who cares about you, your search is over! Cynthia is the person to work with you and help you achieve your goals. Sessions are always exciting and the many different routines carefully selected prevent any possibility of monotony. Cynthia has Knowledge of a great variety of exercise routines and the ability to tailor these exercises to each student’s needs and goals. She is Very personable and pleasant to work with. She respects your physical limitations but always encourages you to do your best and motivates you to move forward and improve. Cynthia is very professional, friendly and always concerned for her student’s well-being. The session with her is always a lot of fun.My goal is to gain muscle mass, maintain my flexibility and balance. Cynthia has been working with me in these areas consistently and although we are only at the beginning, I can already see a significant improvement in my body.
— Jackeline Marcal

geraldine, personal training

Cynthia is different. Her deep commitment, interests, and empathy makes her stand out from most personal trainers. Her knowledge of training for one’s individual needs combined with her listening skills - makes her truly a special person and trainer.

I have learned so much from her not only about exercise but life itself. I love my sessions with her and feel that she has a deep understanding and genuine concern for the well being of her clients.
— Geraldine Woolf

susan, personal training

I’ve never been a person who wanted to drive to a gym and exercise in a group setting. I prefer having a personal trainer who customizes a fitness routine for me and whose job is to instruct, demonstrate and follow what I’m doing to make sure I’m doing the exercises correctly.

Last summer, I posted a query in a Houston Moms Facebook Group I’m seeking a personal trainer for my age group. Several people suggested Cynthia, plus Cynthia herself responded in an incredibly on point, positive and professional way - in a direct message to give that personal attention - which impressed me from the get go. I found her to be very confident and assuring that she could help motivate me in her custom work outs for women 50+.

I have worked with Cynthia for a year now and can attest that she truly gets to know her clients and their fitness goals, personal health/medical limitations and exercise likes and dislikes. For each workout, she has her notebook with a hand-written plan that references each client’s session. She mixes up the exercises and equipment accessories she uses from week to week, whether it’s the stability ball, hand and ankle weights, resistance straps or step-up stool. So, you never feel bored that you already know what’s coming next! That said, she does start each session with stretching out one’s muscles to optimize one’s safety. She has done videos of me stretching taken on my phone to make it easy for me to do a stretching routine on a regular basis.

Cynthia loves her work and it shows. She is always punctual and spot on with a thoroughly positive, upbeat attitude. She truly cares about her clients and makes it a point to stay on top of the latest fitness research and trends to integrate them into her fitness programs.
— Susan Farb Morris

Laura, personal training client and club stay strong class participant

As a 60-year-old physician and exercise novice, I can attest to the compelling physical and emotional benefits of Cynthia’s Stay Strong Fitness group exercise class. Cynthia, a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor, has a clear passion for teaching specifically to those of us over age 50. Her class combines all of the elements recommended by medical specialists for sustained physical health, including low impact techniques for cardio training, hand weights and bands for strength training, range of motion training and stretching, and exercises to promote balance. All of these elements are taught with a keen understanding of the physiology involved. Cynthia has a gift for instructing people with varying degrees of fitness at the same time. Participants may be simultaneously performing exercises standing or seated or on a mat, but all receive a similar and thorough work out of the same area of the body. She has a unique lesson plan for each hour, using a thoughtfully orchestrated musical playlist. Each one-hour class utilizes varying movements and techniques, such that no class is the same; this keeps the class interesting and fresh. Cynthia creates a very supportive and collaborative environment. She reminds the class that we are in control of both our effort and attitude, congratulates us for being present, and encourages us to think of our “why” for attending class – this serves to motivate each of us individually while exercising. Cynthia reminds us to “listen” to our bodies during the class and to do what is appropriate for ourselves (such as slowing down the movements or stopping early.) Every one goes at their own pace - and that is celebrated.

As a novice, I was hesitant to start an exercise class and worried I might feel intimidated or look foolish. That is not at all what I have experienced. The environment is welcoming, Cynthia is inspiring, and I believe each participant feels secure and confidant. My goal was simple – to become stronger and feel more assured that I could age in place in my two story home for many years to come. This class has helped me immensely in achieving that aim. And, importantly, I have made a number of new friends whom I look forward to seeing each day. I give Cynthia and her Stay Strong Fitness class my highest recommendation.
— Laura Brown

Michele, Online fitness class

I am familiar with Cynthia’s enthusiasm, positivity, and infectious smile, so it is no surprise her personality would shine through on Zoom! She encouraged me to try her online classes, as I live in Toronto, and like everyone else, Covid relegated us to home exercise. Though I can now go back to my local gym, I am committed and eager to “attend” Cynthia’s class at least once a week. I have learned there are far fewer excuses to be made by simply turning on my computer and grabbing a mat and weights at home for an hour. There is nothing lacking in these classes online…her clear and descriptive communication style, visuals, and choice of music work quite well. She always provides numerous alternative moves and accommodations, especially for us 50 + participants with our own unique physical issues. Cynthia is incredibly motivating and knowledgeable. I have added some key pieces of exercise equipment from her recommendations. I am quite honestly addicted to Cynthia’s classes!
— Michele Rotman

Valerie, Online personal training

I have had the privilege of working with Cynthia since 2019. I originally started with the class for 50+ at the West University Recreation Center, but then decided to have one day a week for personal training. COVID put the stop to in person classes, but Cynthia quickly pivoted to zoom. That had been ideal for me because we moved to Colorado! So I can keep up my personal training from afar and that has been wonderful. I have bad knees and recently broke my arm.

I think what I really value about Cynthia is her ability to customize to my needs in the moment. She has kept up with what my physical therapists have recommended. But honestly, she is always spot on with their recommendations. I am most grateful for her energy, her teaching style, and her empathy. I am a healthier person because of her intervention. I highly recommend her.
— Valerie Fadok

Pauline, Club Stay Strong Online

Julia, personal training

After I retired, I enrolled in various exercise classes at the West U Senior Center and had some very good instructors. I recently joined Cynthia’s Club Stay Strong class at the urge of my husband, who has been taking her online classes for a few years. I found Cynthia’s class more comprehensive, challenging, and enjoyable than all my previous experiences. Cynthia is an excellent instructor. She is easy to follow and gives clear instructions. She also has a pleasant personality and is a great motivator. The online Tuesday & Thursday classes emphasize cardio, strength, and core exercises but also include stretching and balancing. We work on different muscles (arms, legs, or core) in every session, but all the activities are essential for my overall health and well-being. I have noticed a positive effect on the range of motion for my shoulders and hip joints. The core exercises also help very much with my lower back pain, which has been an issue for me periodically. I also like the mini workouts on stretching and foam rolling that are always available on Cynthia’s website. They will become part of my weekly routine.
— Pauline Markenscoff
It was 3 years ago when I decided it was high time for me to go beyond my “normal” sphere of comfort and that was when I met Cynthia Portugal. And that was also when I learned I could develop my physical self. In her own sweet way Cynthia seemed to never doubt my abilities. I always look forward to our physical training sessions, and she has taught me, by example, that there is nothing, within reason, I can’t do. More important, since beginning our sessions, I have been able to blend the exercises she has taught me into the rest of my life. She has showed me how to do those things and how to be a compassionate, generous person. Certainly, working with her has given me self-confidence. By developing my physical side, thanks to Cynthia, I hope I have become more complete. I can’t thank her enough for all her example has meant to me.
— Julia Mazow
Online Zoom Personal training

Matt, Online Personal training

When I first started my personal training with Cynthia, she asked me very specifically what my goals were: for me, they were related to my professional goals as a musician. As I described the physical demands of being a conductor and a pianist, I could sense that she was excited to learn more about my work and develop a specialized regimen in the process.

Although I began my work with Cynthia with some fitness background, I found that I still lacked a vocabulary for how to take care of my body. Once the pandemic began, I didn’t have the gym to fall back on, and I needed to gain a true understanding of the tools that I had at my disposal. Through my workouts with Cynthia, I can feel myself becoming not only physically stronger but also more ready to take on my day. She knows how to push me beyond what I thought I could do, but she also knows when to pull back when she senses something is too much.

Cynthia emphasizes the benefits of each individual exercise, and she has never forgotten those original goals that brought me to her in the first place; she knows exactly how to create workouts that will meet you where you are and still move you forward in each session. One of Cynthia’s core philosophies is that exercise is a gift you give yourself, and Cynthia’s kind and caring attitude coupled with her extensive knowledge and passion for fitness make her an ideal partner for your fitness journey.
— Matthew Brown

Bo, testimony of both in person stay strong fitness classes

I am a 60 year old guy who started attending two in-person exercise classes that Cynthia teaches about one year ago and I haven’t felt better! The array of stretching, balance, cardio, core, interval and foam rolling training exercises were exactly what my body and I desperately needed. I introduced a friend to one of her in-person classes and they immediately joined both classes also. Neither one of us has felt better in a long time—after missing gyms and trainers since the pandemic has become an integral part of our lives. Participating in Cynthia’s in-person exercise classes was a great re-introduction to movement that my friend and I both needed! As Cynthia says, ‘movement is medicine for your body and brain’ and she has convinced us both of this!

Plus, one other thing I wanted to mention. My medicine my doctors want me to take for blood pressure have all been reduced in my last visit!
— Bo Wilson

gina, testimony of my online fitness class, and in person stay strong fitness class

I’m hooked on Cynthia’s workout classes - both online and in person! Currently, I’m enrolled in the strength/cardio online class and the stretch/foam rolling in person class. I was skeptical of joining the online class. But Cynthia encouraged me (like she always does) to try it out and I LOVE it! The strength/cardio class is a challenging, full body workout in the comfort of my own home. If I miss a class there’s a recording so I can do the class when it’s convenient for my schedule. The in person stretch/foam rolling class has helped me with flexibility and balance. Cynthia tailors her classes to individual needs. Everything we do can be modified to how my body feels that day.

I’ve known Cynthia for years. She’s good-natured and has a delightful demeanor. She encourages me to push my body to get the most out of my workouts. Cynthia is an excellent trainer who cares about me and all her clients. After I do my “Cynthia Workout” I’m energized and feel so very good about myself!
— Gina Taylor
Janet passed away peacefully recently.  Up until she passed away, she did her exercises daily with me or her caregiver.  Janet was a wonderful, smart, and kind person and will be very missed!

Janet kepner passed away peacefully in her home on 9/30/21. I began to work with janet a few years before her passing. She did her exercises every day with either me or her caregiver. Janet was dedicated to doing these movements to help her stay as limber and strong as possible, and she internalized the benefits of doing these. janet kept up with current events and did her crossword puzzle daily, and she was very sharp. janet and i always engaged in interesting and meaningful conversation. she was a very inquisitive, smart, polite, and a genuinely kind person.

It was a privilege to work with janet. may her memory always be a blessing!

Cynthia was a personal trainer for my 94 yo Mom for approx. 18 months. She was very skillful, carefully tailoring the exercises to Mom’s ability and energy. (As a former Yoga therapist, I could especially appreciate her skill and ability to adapt on the fly to different situations). Cynthia has a sunny, friendly, and genuinely caring attitude that brightens up the room when she walks in. She made the exercises fun! I could see how much my Mother benefited from the exercises, both in mobility and reducing occasional pain. We wrote down the exercises so Mom could do the exercises herself or with us on days Cynthia did not come. Exercising every day also made a lot of difference. Perhaps one of the most important memories I have - she and my Mom became friends.
— John Kepner, janet's son
I’d also like to recommend Cynthia for working with much older people. She’s worked with my 93 year old mother 1:1 and identified specific exercises for my mother to do to improve her daily living. Cynthia built a great rapport with her and motivated Mom. Cynthia’s care and dedication impressed my whole family. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
— Nancy Kepner, janet's daughter

testimony of my in person stay strong fitness class

I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your class. The way you cover every aspect of a move, what you are stretching, and how it should feel making it easier. Your dedication to exercises and it’s importance is evident and appreciated.
— Veronica Rutenberg

Marilyn, personal training

Cynthia came to me by way of a recommendation from a very good friend, and I could have not been more pleased with the outcome. As a woman in her 80’s with a very scoliotic back, along with the usual spinal degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, and a recent knee replacement, I had not been exercising in a while and was not in good shape. If I am going to live this long, I insist on maintaining as much mobility as possible. Cynthia helped me greatly to achieve more flexibility, strength, stamina, and balance. She has a wonderful ability to gently coax you to push yourself just a little bit more each time, yet understanding your particular physical limitations and adapting the various muscle group exercises to your needs and comfort level. I was amazed at the great workout she can give you sitting in a chair! Her love of people and cheerful optimism made her a delight with whom to work. She has my fullest recommendation!
— Marilyn Hill
Just want to say that your classes have been very uplifting both emotionally and physically. You are clear and systematic in your approach to teach your class to us! A very important aspect of your coaching is getting the message across clearly and concise. You always give us a reason why we are doing a particular exercise which is a motivator for me. It was thru your zoom classes that helped me tremendously through covid and am thankful for that.

Improving flexibility and strength has been so helpful for me in areas I would never of thought needed to be strengthened. I highly recommend your classes to anyone and appreciate your thoughtful and caring approach as a trainer. I plan to work w you one on one in the future as well continue taking your classes. I highly recommend Cynthia’s classes to anyone who wants to improve their stamina and general outlook in life. I appreciate her words of wisdom or mindfulness after each class.

Thank you for your inspiration and caring approach!
— Coleen Masterson
I really enjoy your class and try my best to attend the live sessions every Tuesday and Thursday. Over the past three and a half years, your sessions kept me focused on taking care of my body, something I had ignored before in my busy professional life. My flexibility and strength have improved significantly. You have also motivated me to exercise even more on my stationary bike.
— Kyriacos Zygourakis
I look forward to my 5:30 pm class in person Stay Strong Fitness class each Wednesday, led by Cynthia Portugal. Her empathetic and motivating spirit creates an ideal atmosphere for me to safely and productively increase strength, balance and stretching. Cynthia offers many modifications to guide people of all levels to safely participate in class. Bonus: her music selection is awesome and the low-key, supportive atmosphere Cynthia has created is relaxing and fun. I leave totally chilled-out from my day and happy that I’ve helped my body support me.
— Jennifer Greenberg
Cynthia is a, EXCELLENT trainer! She’s totally committed to her students and their success and once you’re in her fold, you’re like family. I’m the type who looks at results and her classes deliver. I’ve been monitoring my muscle mass since I started working out with Cynthia during the start of Covid and I have added muscle and lost weight. Her strength and agility exercises help me on the tennis court, too. I always feel great after each workout. And her pep talks and mantras make me laugh and keep me going well after the class.

I’d also like to recommend Cynthia for working with much older people. She’s worked with my 93 year old mother 1:1 and identified specific exercises for my mother to do to improve her daily living. Cynthia built a great rapport with her and motivated Mom. Cynthia’s care and dedication impressed my whole family. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
— Nancy Kepner
I am really enjoying Cyn’s online exercise classes! Whether you are an avid fitness participant or new to the experience, Cyn guides you how to do the exercises at your level. She is motivational and energizing! She incorporates exercise bands and weights during a portion of the class to provide a full body workout!
— Michelle Alexander
I have attended Cynthia’s Stay Strong class for several months. She brings a tremendous amount of positive energy to each and every class. It’s evident that she cares about the health and well being of each one of the participants. Cynthia gives good clear instruction during every phase of the class regarding how to properly perform core exercises, stretching and foam rolling. Additionally, she sends out a weekly email to motivate and inform class participants. Her positive outlook on life and it’s challenges is always up lifting. I would highly recommend this class.
— Charlotte Irwin
I am never tempted to skip the Stretch/Foam Roll/Core/Balance class on Wednesdays. For one hour I can enjoy healing my body and relaxing my mind as Cynthia guides the class in a gentle, positive manner. I leave the class feeling refreshed and relaxed. I’m even doing some stretching and foam rolling at home.
— Laura Towber
Your classes give me strength and happiness.
— Jamie Sharbuck
Your classes online are a Godsend for me. I was using the Y classes to improve my strength and balance. Now I’m spoiled. I like online exercise better. I don’t have to get dressed, chase down the dogs, drive to the Y , hunt for a parking place and then hope I got there soon enough that I could get into the class. After all that, I had the drive home. It’s so nice to walk upstairs and go to the computer. Exercise is uncomplicated and I only have to watch out for the dogs. I hope you keep having them.
— Marianne Drabek
During the stay at home order, I tried a free online class that turned into a great hour escape for me. The instructor, Cynthia Portugal, is incredibly motivational. I am able to get a good workout while staying home. Cynthia includes modifications that work great for my knee issue, so I can participate fully.
— Andrea Lore
Twice a week for months, I have had the pleasure of attending Cynthia Portugal’s group workout class. The name “Stay Strong” is perfect. The class combines cardiovascular routines, resistance training, weight work and stretching for at least 60 minutes. Cynthia is energetic and inspiring. I am amazed that she can tailor the class to individual levels. A muscle group can be worked out with sometimes 4 variations depending on the participant’s choice. Each level of difficulty is described and demonstrated to accommodate a range of participants. The class atmosphere is fun and encouraging. I love the camaraderie and humor. Finally, her music playlist is unbelievable. I cannot remember hearing the same song twice.
— Mary Round
First, Cynthia is a wonderful woman. She is thoughtfully organized, has varied purpose-driven exercise movements, and always offers options to clients. She looks to make class interesting, and works at incorporating good music. She stresses good form and helps with her personal attention, and guides class through movements by counting and instructing. Cynthia’s strengths are many. She wants people to feel better physically, spiritually and emotionally. She is a community spirit cheerleader. She is trustworthy, a good planner, and informative. I love her lots.
— Phebe Reasoner
Cynthia is always cheerful, enthusiastic, and encouraging. She creates awesome music playlists for each class and makes exercise fun. Cynthia has a great understanding of anatomy and she incorporates a variety of exercises to stretch and strengthen many different muscle groups. Cynthia works well with people of different abilities and provides alternate exercises or exertion levels that suit and challenge each person best. My goals are to increase my core strength and to improve cardiovascular fitness through low-impact aerobic exercises. I like the early morning time of her “Stay Strong Fitness” class, the convenient location, and the low cost . I also like the variety of exercises during each session, including low-impact aerobics, light weight training, and stretching exercises. This variety of exercises allows for many muscle groups to be stretched and strengthened, and requires mental concentration throughout each session.
— Rhonda Shannon
What’s my favorite form of exercise? NONE! Preferably, but that’s not good for me. I started Cynthia’s “Stay Strong Fitness” class 6 months ago because it sounded like a good fit for me. Over 50 is my peer group and I like that the class is structured for us. Cynthia, the instructor, is fun to work out with and is encouraging to us. She offers a variety of exercises depending on our fitness level. Although I’m not a true morning person, I feel great moving to the music and have more energy when I’ve completed the class. She motivates us to do our best and have fun while exercising. I feel stronger and have improved my cardio endurance. I’ve met some great people and look forward to class each week.
— Leslye Dodd
I really enjoyed Cynthia’s classes at the Weekly YMCA. It was great to be able to continue to work out safely during the pandemic, via her online sessions, too!

The classes have helped increase my strength and balance. At first I thought I was too old (75). I would recommend all of her classes.
— Sylvia Rushing
I exercise 3 times a week with Cynthia. She is professional, knowledgeable, and caring. Her class is the backbone of my exercise program, which has allowed me to remain pain-free, without medication, in spite of scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. I’m in my 80’s and am so grateful for Cynthia’s guidance which helps me live an active, productive life.
— Linda Wise Davenport
I have worked out with Cynthia Portugal for almost a year now. I have gotten a fantastic workout that is personalized even though there were 30+ people in the room sometimes. I think Cynthia is great at giving everyone choices to
make their experience suited to their needs. Since I have been working out with Cynthia, I feel stronger and my endurance and balance are better. I love how she is encouraging and makes me want to push myself to do more. Cynthia changes things up so it is always interesting. She does all of this in a very gentle and caring way. She’s a fantastic teacher!

Cynthia Portugal is the best work out teacher I have had. I look forward to what she will come up with each time.
— Linda Robins
It is my personal opinion that Cynthia Portugal is a very conscientious and caring instructor, as well as a person in general. She typifies what an instructor and personal trainer should be. She is well aware of people’s limitations and offers helpful suggestions as to how they can make modifications in their exercise routines. She has helped me in this manner, and I am very appreciative.

I highly recommend Cynthia because she makes exercising fun and creates incentive.
— Bernard Nelkin
I have been attending senior exercise classes at the Y since February 2008 when I retired at age 70. Recently, I was absent for 18 months due to a foot injury. There has been many instructors through the years, but when I returned this summer, I was pleasantly pleased that Cynthia Portugal was the instructor for the class. I believe she provides excellent leadership with our group. The exercises are not the same every class, so there is no boredom or redundancy. I have been able to work on my balance, strength and stamina. She participates in all of the exercises while at the same time observes everyone for any issues. I highly recommend Cynthia as a trainer and an instructor as she is not only cordial and inclusive to all, but she knows her stuff.
— Ann Alexander
Cynthia Portugal is currently teaching the “Enhance Fitness Class”, and Wayne and I are participating with joy. She is one of the best trainers we have ever had, as she goes above and beyond what is required. She has a caring attitude for each student along with a contagious smile that enlightens the room. Cynthia takes the time to explain the benefits of each exercise to each part of our body. I could add more and everything would be positive.
— Monique and Wayne Ditloff
Cynthia Portugal has been my instructor in two of my classes at the Y, the “Silver Sneakers” and the “Enhance Fitness” classes. I’ve been recovering from a broken leg (femur) and these classes are helpful for my rehab. Cynthia makes every effort to assist my endeavors with alternate moves when I need to sit down at times, and is a great motivator.
— Bea Killian
Cynthia makes an hour of strenuous exercise enjoyable. Knowing what muscle each routine strengthens is helpful to know, and her emphasis on cardio exercises is important to me.
Grade? A+
— Sue Wooten
I can honestly say I look forward to exercising with my Silver Sneakers group. Cynthia is a dynamic, energized leader, and she inspires all of us to exercise to our best. She recognizes individual needs and interests, and she designs the workouts to reflect the differences. I’m working harder then ever, and I’m feeling better than ever thanks to Cynthia.
— Elyse Sporkin
I have been very pleased and challenged by Cynthia’s Silver Sneakers class at the Weekley Y. She has tremendous energy and gets the most out of the class. In particular, Cynthia’s focus on arm motion often without weights, particularly movements above chest height, is often integrated into a series of foot movements. This combination has strengthened my upper body and also helped eliminate pain both in the shoulders and also the hips. In particular, it has made swinging a golf club much more comfortable.
— Steve Banks
Cynthia Portugal is an AWESOME instructor at the YMCA Silver Sneakers Class. She is very respectful and polite as she encourages us to do our best without pushing us beyond our limits. Cynthia is the kind of instructor that makes me excited to go to class and continue to work towards improving myself.
— Iza Dorsett
Cynthia is great! She seems to love what she does and takes time & care to cater to everyone and every physical condition. Makes one want to NOT miss class!
— Laura Ferro
Sam and I have enjoyed your classes for Silver Sneakers a great deal and they have helped us to remain more strong and healthy. We love the fact that we can go together and also participate with a group that enjoys working together thanks to your guidance.
— Priscillla Huston
My husband and I both feel Cynthia to be a sincere, learned instructor. She is very enthusiastic as well. She cares. We highly recommend Cynthia.
— Bill and Marge Dix
Today I attended Cynthia’s class as one of the members in group exercise at the YMCA. Both of us, myself and my wife, liked your class VERY MUCH. I could easily understand what you were pronouncing. Most importantly, all of your activities and expressions were very graceful. In spite of such a fast and hectic schedule, I was surprised by your personal attention towards all the members in class. It is an inspiration for me to do better things about my health.
— Jayant and Alka Joshi
I like the way Cynthia teaches the exercises whether sitting or standing showing everyone how to do each option. I also like Cynthia’s energy, and I always look forward to attending her class.
— Mary Ann Lewis
I’ve enjoyed workouts under Cynthia’s leadership since she started at the YMCA. She has been my instructor in the Enhance Fitness class at the YMCA for 2 ½ years and gently leads the group into exercising, it seems, every muscle in our body! Since we are an older group Cynthia offers us alternative moves and encourages us to listen to our body and to stop when out body says “enough.
— Ann Nemeth
I Just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed taking classes with you.
It has been a good experience and I especially enjoy the variety of exercises and the fact that you incorporate the whole body. Thank you again Cynthia for motivating and leading us. You are the highlight of our days, and I always feel enervated after your class!🙏🏼
— Monjula Chidambaram
I have really enjoyed Cynthia’s classes. I take her in person Stay Strong class for all ages (stretch, foam roll, etc), and her online cardio & strength training for ages 50 and beyond. She is a seasoned instructor and very motivating. She customizes her class to best meet the needs of the participants. While the classes are a lot of fun, they are also challenging. I always feel like I got a great workout after participating. Cynthia is excellent at modifying the exercises so that participants get the most benefit with the least chance of any injury. She is really great at making everyone feel comfortable and accomplished in her classes. Her classes have a real sense of camaraderie amongst the class participants, and I am looking forward to partaking in more of them.
— Alisa Hoffman
Normally I hate organized fitness stuff, but I have been taking Cynthia’s Stay Strong Fitness classes since last fall and it is really working for me! I am going up to 4 workouts a week. The Zoom format is really working well, and she is changing things up each workout so we don’t get bored. You don’t have to live in Houston to take these classes! I particularly enjoy the weights! But everything is good and we work more than one part of the body at a time, so it is really efficient! Helps me with my mood and my fibromyalgia.
Best thing is she gives modifications for each thing we do, so you can stay safe!
— Valerie Fadok
I first met Cynthia about 4 years ago at a Silvers Sneakers class at the YMCA. Cynthia is a highly gifted physical fitness instructor particularly skilled in motivating her students. She is so great and popular with seniors, that her classes became so full to the point the Y had to add afternoon classes, which also filled up!

During the pandemic, I started participating in Cynthia ‘s Stay Strong Fitness virtual classes. It was a godsend particularly for seniors like me who found ourselves home bound for such a long time!

Cynthia continues to find ways to make the classes exciting and to keep all participants involved and motivated.
In addition to being an excellent physical fitness instructor, Cynthia is a very kind, friendly, always willing to help and overall wonderful person. I strongly recommend her classes.
— Jean Ortiz
Cynthia is a very caring personal trainer. My husband was reluctant to do anything to help himself become stronger. She convinced him to try and do something for himself. She has helped him with his balance and in addition to stretching and building core muscles she walks with him around the block to get him moving . Without Cynthia I would never get him to do these things. I highly recommend her as a personal trainer. She’s the best!
— Maureen and Larry Wainer
Cynthia is a very engaging person and she encourages you to work your hardest without being harsh or demanding. She has a great sense of humor, which is always helpful when trying to get people to do better and get healthy. She gets me moving and motivates me to improve myself. I feel stronger and have more balance than I did a year ago.
— Lynda Carnegie
I am 84 years old, and like most people my age, I am dealing with some health issues. They say “keep moving” but what do i do? Fortunately, I was referred to Cynthia Portugal as a certified personal trainer. Cynthia has tailored my work-out to my specific physical limitations. She systematically changes the program with each visit to avoid boredom, a common complaint I have heard from others. Cynthia’s cheerful disposition and words of encouragement give me a good feeling about myself and I look forward to the next session.
— Raymond Levin
Cynthia is enthusiastic and seems happy to be with us. She teaches different ways to get the same results, and as such, everyone is part of the group even though they may not all be doing the same motions. This is particularly helpful to those who are not as athletic as others. She explains things clearly and does not criticize, yell, or badger the students. She also sends encouraging emails during the week and encourages us to encourage each other. I think Cynthia is very, very kind and realistic. She knows that some of us are there because we know we should be, not necessarily because we want to be. She also understands that some days one might do better than other days and lets us go at our own pace. Though working out is not my favorite thing to do, I know it is really important and I find myself improving and getting stronger in spite of my reluctance to do so. I definitely recommend Cynthia and her “Stay Strong Fitness” class to others. It does not matter if you are athletic and want to maintain or increase your skills, or, if it has been a while since you actually exercised in a consistent and intelligent way. You will not only be welcome, but I do think you will be successful as well. The important thing to remember is you work at your own pace and everyone else is working at theirs.
— Carol O'Neill
Cynthia is patient and fun. Her exercises are fun too! She has the ability to recognize the needs of individuals at different stages of strength and balance. My goals are to lose weight and tone up. People tell me I’m looking thinner and that makes me happy!
— Jan Weeks Franzen
Cynthia has been my personal trainer and health and wellness coach for about 3 months and I have lost 10 pounds! Cynthia teaches me the importance of knowing differences between good and bad carbs and fats. Not as a diet, because I don’t like those, but as a change in my lifestyle. This is super, and she is very patient with me, slowing things down to a pace I can get. As a personal trainer she pushes me just enough so I feel the burn! We worked out in my pool yesterday, did cardio and swimming, and she was a real trooper helping me along! All in all I’d say my quality of life is better, and we’ve only been working together a few weeks. I cannot wait to see where I am in a month or two. Thank you so much Cynthia, from the bottom of my heart, and even though I’m a little sore today!”
— Jan Parsley
I had a heart attack 8 months ago. I needed to exercise and be active to regain my strength, so I joined the group exercise class at the YMCA. I was so thankful that the instructor was Cynthia. She was very helpful. She always makes sure that we are comfortable with what we are doing and always has an option according to our abilities. I feel better after every workout with her. It’s been almost 3 months now and I feel so much stronger than before. I am so grateful to Cynthia. I never want to miss her class.
— Linda Latif
Since resuming my workouts about a month after my husband died (now nearly 7 months ago), Cynthia’s Silver Sneakers class has been an important mainstay of my life. Her upbeat personality and clear instruction have been so grounding for me. I love the music she keeps updating and how she switches up the workout routine so it stays challenging and fun. I am grateful for Cynthia.
— Pam Kaye
Having Cynthia as our Silver Sneakers instructor is wonderful! She really cares about the people in her classes and treats us as friends! Her interaction with us during the class is constant, her directions are clear, and the smile on her face along with her support and encouragement keep us motivated! Cynthia is always very aware of the different levels of ability among the participants and offers options without embarrassing anyone. I give her 5 Stars!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
— Nancy Peskin
Cynthia Portugal has been one of my instructors for the Enhance Fitness class at the Weekley Y for a couple of years. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate her a 15.

I recommended her to a married couple who required a personal trainer at home and their experience with her has been the same as mine.

Cynthia is personable, compassionate, humorous, exacting and KNOWS HER STUFF!
— Barbara Mott
If you would LOVE to exercise and you can’t because you have a handy-cap or have a physical issue, Cynthia is the one to HELP YOU. She is so knowledgeable about your body, and she can come up with EXERCISES that your body can handle.
— Florence Berger
I have had exercise instruction with Cynthia Portugal for two and one-half years and it has been one of the best things I have done for myself after a serious illness which left me weak and feeble. With Cynthia, my stamina, frame of mind and overall health has improved dramatically. She keeps up the exercise for the full 55 minutes of the class which covers cardio, strength and stretching exercises so that all of the body has been stimulated and nourished.

She is committed to her students at whatever their current ability. Cynthia has earned my respect and gratitude and I thank her for her personal interest in me and my fellow students. She is an exceptional instructor and woman.
— Rosalie Thurbon
My dear Cynthia, I love coming to your classes. You are a very dedicated teacher. I am loosing weight while doing your exercises!!! I love the way you always have new ways of teaching different exercises!!! Thank you very much Cynthia and God bless you!!!
— Sangeeta Gianchandani
Cynthia Portugal is an expertly credentialed Silver Sneakers instructor. She is genuinely dedicated to improving total fitness of participants with her excellent rapport and knowledge base. As classes handle weights, balls, and bands, she explains benefits of strengthening various muscle groups and offers alternative variations where needed. Her engaging personality, high energy and fun sense of humor help keep everyone active and healthy.
— George Cagle
Cynthia displays an extremely caring attitude toward her clients, focusing on their individual needs and abilities, offering alternative movements as available. Cynthia embodies a positive demeanor in her style of leading the class, encouraging participants to improve themselves week after week. Cynthia keeps things fresh by making slight changes in exercise routine as well as introducing new music, often songs or performers requested by class members.
— Louise Huck
I have been taking classes at Weekley YMCA from Cynthia for several years, the Silver Sneakers and Enhance Fitness classes for active older adults. She is devoted to fitness for us and helps with options in the class for each person considering their individual problems and needs. I have not had a more caring and considerate instructor and her efforts have helped me a lot.

Cynthia makes the class fun and she also offers a lot of information on healthful tips and recipes.

I hope she continues to teach our classes!
— Charlotte Robinson
Cynthia Portugal is the most caring instructor you will ever have. She brings out the best in every class member pushing us to our limit and helps us to improve our balance, strength and to feel good about ourselves.
— Gladys Kaplan
Cynthia has been our Silver Sneakers instructor since we joined the YMCA. She is such an encouraging and upbeat leader. We truly appreciate that she tailors each exercise for various levels of fitness and ability. At the end of the session, we feel energized for the rest of the day.
— Lee and Virginia Rutherford
Since participating in Cynthia’s Silver Sneaker’s class I find myself able to do tasks I had not been able to do before. For example, taking the ironing table out of the closet had been difficult and now I find I can. I credit this to exercise.
— Anita Samson
Having class with Cynthia has really helped me. Since I have been taking Cynthia’s class, I’m stronger and therefore have been able to recover more rapidly from my recent accident. I find that you are always well prepared for class and explain well how to do the exercises, which helps us get the most out of them. AND, your pleasant disposition, good music and patience make it a joy to come to class.
— Maggie Mays