Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals


Without small steps towards each big goal, it can seem quite overwhelming to accomplish things we desire.

January is a great time of the year to evaluate what you might desire, and then establish the steps as to how you are going to get there. Although I personally love to re-address my goals around the beginning of the year, I also feel it’s something we can and should address ANY time of the year. It’s really helpful to write down your goals at the beginning of every year and then go back to them every so often to evaluate where you are in the process of achieving your goals.

Have you ever heard of developing “S.M.A.R.T.” goals? I feel it’s been a very useful tool for me and I wanted to share it with you. S.M.A.R.T stands for:

SPECIFIC - Be specific and describe exactly what you will accomplish.

MEASURABLE - How will you know when have reached your goal?

ACHIEVABLE - Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Have you got the resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them?

RELEVANT - Why is this goal significant to your life?

TIMELY - When will you achieve this goal?

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For instance, if you are wanting to do the MS 150, rather than just saying, I want to complete the MS 150 this year, try going through the “SMART” goal process. It will really clarify the steps for you. For example, below I have outlined a potential “SMART” goal for someone who might want to complete the MS 150.

Specific - I want to begin lifting weights and do more cycling workouts so that I can complete the MS 150 this year.

Measurable - I know I will have achieved this goal when I have (1) lifted weights two or three times/week, (2) and completed “x” hours of indoor and outdoor cycling on a weekly basis. I will ride outside for “x” numbers of hours/week, and take two indoor spin classes as well on a weekly basis. I will also complete a long ride every Saturday with my training group.

Achieveable - This goal is realistic because I belong to a gym, have workout equipment at home, am working with my personal trainer, have an outdoor bike, am able to take spin classes, and have joined an outdoor cycling training group.

Although I do not have all the proper cycling gear to ride the MS 150, I will be sure I obtain the equipment to ride safely outside. Also, I will need to consult a sports nutritionist to be sure that my body is getting what it needs while I train and during the actual event.

Relevant - This is relevant because I want to becoming healthier and stronger physically and mentally.

Timely - I will achieve this goal by the MS 150 date in 2020 (or insert any year here).

Also, try doing the following things once you set your “SMART” goal.

  1. Write out additional reasons why this goal is important to you. This will help to clarify your “WHY”, which is key to accomplishing any goal.

  2. List the benefits of achieving this goal. The more specific you are the better. Once you have clarified your benefits it really helps to keep you motivated towards achieving your goal.

  3. Identify your potential obstacles and what solutions you have to overcome these obstacles. Obstacles will occur and it’s impetative to try and identify them up front as best you can.

  4. Who are the people you will ask to help you achieve your goal? We often need help from professionals, friends and loved ones to get our goals accomplished. It takes a village to achieve anything we really desire !! Also, tell others about your goals to hold yourself accountable. Often just saying our goals out loud make them seem more possible.

  5. Set up an accountability schedule for yourself in the calendar. Check in on yourself daily, weekly, monthly. Ask yourself what worked and what did not work, and adjust accordingly. If you find your goals are not realistic, adjust them.

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Remember, everyone has dreams and desires. if you admire someone else for what they have accomplished, remember the following statement. THEY DID NOT GET THERE WITHOUT SMALL BABY STEPS AND WORKING HARD!! Tell yourself, “I can do this”, and remember, SETTING GOALS IS THE FIRST STEP IN TURNING THE INVISIBLE INTO THE VISIBLE. You got this!! xoxo

Cynthia Portugal